Lifestyle and vitality courses

Lifestyle and vitality courses

The choice for health and employability over absenteeism demands sufficient individual knowledge (Knowing), a positive basic attitude (wanting) and the desired behaviour (being able). Education helps to acquire insight, intrinsic motivation and tools to realise this behaviour. Therefore, our Active Academy facilitates organisations and individuals to take control of luck and happiness.

Education possibilities

Our group and online courses, trainings and workshops about absenteeism, prevention, health and sustainable employability provides in the need of several target groups. Our courses can be tailor made or followed as open course.

Specific practical and effective courses about lifestyle can be:

  • E-learning ‘Go to work with your lifestyle’
  • Stress management
  • VIC – conducting behaviour-influencing interviews
  • Blended course ‘Working together on vitality on the workplace’

Please have a look on our website  Active Academy for all our education possibilities.

More information

Would you like to know more? Please call us on 088 – 286 60 55 or complete the contact form.


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