Working on your lifestyle

Working on your lifestyle

To feel fit, do you have to go on a diet, go to the gym daily and always go to bed early? Or is it actually about something else if you want to have energy to do the things you want to do? During this practical inspiration session, participants will be interactively made aware, challenged and informed about how their lifestyle choices affect their perceived vitality.


Central to the workshop are six lifestyle areas proven to influence each other and perceived vitality: nutrition, exercise, relaxation/stress reduction, job satisfaction, social relationships and meaning. The workshop starts with a bit of awareness (knowing). However, knowing does not mean wanting and wanting does not automatically mean doing. Therefore, participants are then challenged to explore their own motivation with each other. After which they formulate one or more concrete, achievable steps to feel more vital at work and at home. This as a first step towards making healthy(er) choices every day to feel happier and more vital now and in the future.


Upon completion of this workshop, participants will have an understanding of:

  • How the six lifestyle areas affect each other and your perceived vitality and happiness.
  • What motivates and keeps them from making different choices.
  • What they can do themselves in one or more lifestyle areas to experience more vitality and happiness.
  • Practical tips & tricks.
  • Personal action plan (optional).

For whom

Participants are employees from all parts of the organisation.

Practical information

  • Participants:    10 – 20 persons.
  • Date:           by arrangement.
  • Duration:   by arrangement.
  • Location:    by arrangement.

Corporate event

Are you looking for an inspiring corporate event? All our workshops/trainings can be followed in combination with experience events, such as a padel clinic under the guidance of an experienced trainer. 


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