Reintegration consultation

Reintegration consultation

An advisory meeting is aimed at reintegrating the employee. Preferably, this meeting is held between the reintegration coach, the employee and his/her employer or superior. In this meeting, the parties involved are first informed about the framework of the Gatekeeper Improvement Act (WVP) so they know what expectations flow from this law.

Then the current situation is mapped out:

  • What are the possibilities for reintegration within the organisation?
  • What remaining possibilities does the employee have?
  • Are employee and employer in agreement with the statements of the occupational physician and labour expert?
  • Is there a conflict?
  • What are the future prospects?

On the basis of this inventory, achievable (SMART) goals are drawn up to realise the desired future perspective. At the end of this phase, the coach draws up a route plan proposal in which the objectives and corresponding conditions are elaborated.


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