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Active Health Group
B Corporation
Working at Active Health Group
Become a medical doctor in occupational health? Experience it for a day!
Organisational culture & policy
Organisation diagnosis scan
Labour and Organisation Experts
Senior safety experts
Occupational hygienists
Organisational culture, leadership, and policy
Risk inventory and evaluation
Effective leadership
Integral health management
Managing employability with business intelligence
Work happiness as an organisational culture
Employability and prevention
Employability scan
Preventive medical examinations
Preventive medical examination 2.0
Medical examinations
Periodic occupational health examination
Coaching on employability
Career module
Lifestyle module
Resilience module
Employability coaching
Reintegration and outplacement
Reintegration consultation
First track reintegration
Second track reintegration
Third track re-integration / WGA
Other employability expertise
Company social work
Mediation in case of a labour conflict
Confidential counsellor
Employability value indicator / Wage value indicator
Sustainable employability
Vitality and employability interviews
Working together on vitality in the workplace
Working on your lifestyle
Energy management
Mindfulness & compassion
Work happiness
Absenteeism management & reduction of claims
Absenteeism expertise
Occupational physician
Case manager
Labour expert
Insurance physician
Income insurance
Absence interviewing
Preventing wage penalties
Gatekeeper Improvement Act & Absenteeism
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Mentale gezondheid op de werkvloer: aandacht voor gezonde werkomgeving groeit
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OCTAS schetst scenario’s voor een beter stelsel arbeidsongeschiktheid
Nieuwste cijfers bekend over fysieke belasting op het werk
Een mentaal gezonde organisatie, hoe doe je dat?
SER roept nieuw kabinet op: ‘Maak dringend meer werk van gezondheid als onderdeel van bestaanszekerheid’
CNV-onderzoek: ruim kwart werkenden gepest op werk
Uitleg en advies over de verdiepende RI&E PBM
Een goede werk-privébalans? Geef je grenzen aan
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