Sustainable employability

Sustainable employability

With this practical workshop (basic module), you ensure that abstract concepts such as ‘own direction’, ‘vitality’, ‘sustainable employability’, ‘resilience’ and ‘dual responsibility’ come to life in the workplace. Participation activates managers to translate policy into daily practice of their own accord. And activates employees in their awareness of their own responsibility, their motivation to make healthy(er) choices and how they can do so.


Employability is the result of a certain way of thinking & doing. During the workshop, therefore, we first load the employability framework in an interactive and experiential way: what actually is sustainable employability, vitality, resilience, own direction and dual responsibility of employer and employee? Followed by its practical translation: what can you do yourself to have sufficient resilience and energy when looking at the choices you make in different lifestyle areas? Who and what are your ‘resources’, at home and at work? Depending on the time available, a personal action plan is part of the workshop.


After the workshop, participants will have:

  • Knowledge of and a concrete picture of the concepts: sustainable employability, vitality, resilience, own direction, dual responsibility employer and employee.
  • Insight into what positively/negatively affects your employability in six lifestyle areas: exercise, nutrition, relaxation, job satisfaction, meaning and social relations.
  • Insight into possible ‘resources’, in your private life and within the organisation.
  • Practical tips & tricks.
  • Personal action plan (optional).

Offering this workshop at different levels of your organisation creates space in daily practice for managers and employees to have a good conversation about their own direction on sustainable employability and vitality. It also improves the breeding ground for other interventions aimed at employability, which will increase their effectiveness.

For whom

Managers and employees from all parts of the organisation.

Practical information

  • Participants: 10 – 20 persons.
  • Date: by arrangement.
  • Duration: by arrangement.
  • Location: by arrangement.

Company event

Are you looking for an inspiring corporate event? All our workshops/trainings can be followed in combination with experience events, such as a padel clinic under the guidance of an experienced trainer. 


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