Labour and Organisation Experts

Labour and Organisation Experts

Work and organisation experts help you achieve motivated, sustainably employable employees and a healthy operating result. They do this by providing advice and guidance on topics such as reducing psychosocial workload (factors that cause work-related stress such as work pressure, bullying, sexual harassment, aggression and violence), promoting vitality and sustainable employability, improving the quality of work and team development. Their deployment is prompted by signals of impending or existing problems in the organisation that affect human behaviour and work, such as a high absenteeism rate, high perceived work pressure, expressions of dissatisfaction and incidents. The work and organisation expert investigates the causes, gives advice on how to change the situation that has arisen and can guide interventions to achieve a healthy organisational culture, effective policies and leadership.

More than just employment and organisation experts

Our employment and organisation experts combine specialisms such as business administration, HR, work & organisation psychology, health management, occupational medicine, accountancy and/or communication. As a result, they always take an integrated approach to issues and have an eye for both human and business considerations.


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