The aim of second track reintegration is to find a new suitable job with another employer. The current employer is obliged to do so under the Gatekeeper Improvement Act (WVP).
The employer is leading and responsible to do everything to get the employee (internally or externally) back to work. The UWV assesses this. If the UWV finds that insufficient activities have been carried out, it may impose a salary sanction.
An employee would rather be healthy than sick and maintaining the situation that has arisen does not help him/her to form a new positive perspective for the future. The transfer to another suitable function, second track reintegration, is the solution for renewed happiness at work. In addition to his/her own well-being, the employee also has to deal with a financially uncertain period. The UWV will assess whether he/she is eligible for a WIA (Work and Income Act) benefit. It regularly happens that no WIA benefit is awarded. This may mean that the employee will have to rely on the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW) or a social assistance benefit.
The mission of our reintegration coaches is to provide the employer with good advice and to let the employee experience that job satisfaction can also be found in another job.