If you receive a benefit on the basis of WGA, Wajong, WAZ, ZW or WW, the UWV can offer you a re-integration service as support on your way back to the labour market. We have been working closely with the UWV for some time now and can assist you with the following services:
The ‘Make Work Fit’ programme is designed to help you get a realistic picture of the possibilities in the labour market and to teach you the skills you need to enter the labour market (again). This pathway consists of three main activities:
1. Strengthening employee skills.
2. Improving personal effectiveness.
3. Identifying the labour market position.
After successful completion, a Werkfit maken programme can be followed by a Naar Werk programme.
Are you not yet ready for a ‘Work Fit’ or ‘To Work’ programme? If so, you can opt for a modular route, these services can be used separately from each other. The aim is to give you back control so that you are ready for a follow-up process aimed at finding work. Services that we perform are:
1. Participation intervention; breaking through the social isolation by looking together for solutions to participate in society again.
2. Promote social participation; strengthen mental and physical capacity by looking for and starting up suitable activities together.
3. Practical assessment; examining together what your position is in the labour market and what your possibilities are for work.
4. Guidance with training; coaching and support with training that is necessary for you to get back to work.
A programme is always tailor-made, focused on your personal situation and wishes, within the framework of the UWV. To make use of the services, you need a referral from the UWV. The UWV employment expert can indicate whether you are eligible for this.